We need your help, and we’d love for you to participate in some of these opportunities!
• Donate $25 Gift Cards (to Walmart or Target) for families in need at Baker Butler. Gift cards are due by 12/13, and can be dropped in the offering boxes or mailed to the Church.
• Donate money for the Elk Hill Group Home, so that the staff can buy Christmas gifts for the teenagers this year. Please put “Elk Hill” in the memo line and drop donations in the offering boxes or mail them to the Church by 12/13. Our goal is $250 to be divided between the 7 teens.
• Pack a Blessing Bag for the homeless. Reusable shopping bags with suggested lists are available outside the Church beginning this Sunday, and are due by 12/24 to be delivered on 12/25.
• Write Christmas Cards (and/or drawings from Grove Kidz) for residents at the Laurels. We have a list of names so you can add a personal touch for the residents! Cards are due back to the Church office by 12/24.
• Bake cookies for the Albemarle Regional Jail staff (baked goods can be dropped at the Church 12/18-12/21)
• Donate to the Christmas Eve Offering for New Life International (to install a water purification system) goal is $2000.
Maple Grove mailing address:
3210 Proffit Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22911